How to move from feeling stuck into a space of freedom, confidence, clarity and ease
Sarah Warman - Alexander Technique Wellbeing sessions
How would it feel to wake up with a clarity of purpose, to feel the fulfillment of a good work life balance, to feel recognised and appreciated at work, to feel valued? To have confidence in yourself and that your contribution is important and not just box ticking, but you are a vital and special cog! To feel like you are getting your creative juices flowing again and knowing that you have something to offer, working, aligned in your workplace where you believe in the ethos and mission and knowing you are truly making the difference you were born to, to make the world a brighter place? And how would it look to embody those feelings of confidence, trust and poise with an effortless good posture with everything that you do, that actually feels great too?
You might feel a little far from that right now. Perhaps you have glimpses of that, but perhaps you have become increasingly aware of an undercurrent of anxiety, doubt, or a feeling of not being valued, not being confident, and not feeling connected to that joy that only comes through sharing your unique creative insights with people that recognise and appreciate them.
But of course it can be hard to know where to start. So many options of training and therapies, so many books, blogs and tips to read, videos to watch, classes to attend. Well, hopefully you have made it to the right one today.
I’m going to let you into a secret. This is the secret that changed my life when I was an anxious insecure underconfident sad and slumpy person that found myself in a job and workplace I thought was my dream but that actually didn’t recognise or appreciate my unique mix of ideas, knowledge and passion. I’d felt lost, confused and alone, but I’d tried my best to deny it, talk myself out of it, press on - chin up, affirm more positive realities, manifest something more optimistic etc etc.
The secret that was imparted to me in my perhaps more extreme situation than you (because I’d let it go on unaddressed for too long) from a very special teacher, and something that I am grateful to re-member and re-mind myself of, integrating it deeper and deeper each time, is that all your most difficult feelings and experiences are not something to run from, try to change, deny or fix. But, rather, those difficult feelings are here for a reason and they are a welcome part of you - even if, quite understandably, they do not feel welcome. They are your invitation, your entry point to true transformation - and not through “doing” or “trying”, but through simply acknowledging that they exist as part of you. “As part of you” being the crucial piece. They are not all of you, they are a part of you. They are indicators you are out of alignment. That a realignment to bring you into greater balance is available, should you choose to accept, should you choose to be eyes wide open and able for the possibility.
You have been moving through intense time upon intense time over the last couple of years and months. You have been forced to face the truth of your experience and weigh up what is important for you? Indicators can come in all shapes and sizes and forms, and there is usually a physical experiential “symptom” that calls your attention. So that can be slumpy posture, headaches, back ache, carpal tunnel… but it can also be mental part of the body (the brain is another muscle that can get overused and busy in an unhealthy way) - so including anxiety, insecurity, self-doubt, underconfidence, dissatisfaction, sadness - all of which come with other physical symptoms.
Do you recognise any of these signs or indicators present in your world? Do you feel the call bring some awareness there, to open to the possibility of reaching greater fulfillment, dancing with deeper purpose, making a stronger impact in the worlds that matter to you, for positive change? Then choose in this moment to meet yourself, fully, with the whole of your experience. Let go of any need to change it or let it go - in fact meet those needs with acknowledgement. Nothing more, nothing less is required. If you can meet yourself there in the fullness, being the experiencer and the witness simultaneously, that is where the deepest healing and greatest possibilities can reveal themselves (but acknowledge and embrace that end goal within too!).
"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium. It will be lost. The world will not have it.
"It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open."
—Martha Graham
It is my life’s work to help you to discover the unique truths within you, and at the same time learn to stand, move, play and sit comfortably, tall and confidently, with ease, and joy as you express and share your unique tapestry to make the world a brighter place.
This is exactly what is happening for my current students. Take Emily (changed name to protect privacy) for example. She came to me just a couple months ago with very high levels of stress and anxiety. She was coasting and feeling bored and uninspired at work. She had been feeling unappreciated, unrecognised and unvalued in her work for some time and so had become demotivated and confused. She was also experiencing very high anxiety and anxiety attacks - the stress and sadness was permeating other parts of her life. She had also experienced trauma of loss recently which she was very much still in. She felt stuck and lost and in significant emotional pain, yet had tried extensive therapy and many other techniques to help but none had given her simple practical tools to really make a change in her life in the here and now and in an embodied way.
We worked together and I helped her to build her muscles of awareness, insight and really embody her experience so she was able to integrate, ground and process her experience. She learnt tools to connect and understand her psychological and physical experiences and navigate them and open to a new way of moving, thinking and being. She quickly grew in confidence and clarity and posture, and was able to make the choice to leave that job and achieve a significant jump up in career to a job she is super excited and engaged with.
Like Emily, I was lucky to find the teachers I needed to discover and design my own unique tapestry, working myself out of a painful place into an ever growing, self-healing joyous expression and sharing of this beautiful healing work. I use grounded experiential science with the Alexander Technique as my base, and interweave a wider and deeper intuitive spiritual approach that helps to illuminate the psychological patterns, roots, and their affects and impacts that ripple out, for a more rounded, embodied, aligned and alive sense of what brings you deepest fulfillment.
I have helped hundreds of people to move from pain, inertia or anxiety to a deeper clarity, flow and peacefulness. This is how it starts - with the acknowledgement of all the difficult parts. How it grows depends on how ready you are to take responsibility, to open to possibility and answer the call through a different way of learning, with me.
If you are feeling the call, and would like to learn experientially, through January I am offering
TASTER: A complimentary 30 min consultation for all new potential students (I call it students, as you will be learning new techniques to take into your life, as well as the sessions feeling restorative and fabulous!).
This can be in person, online or on the phone. You choose how you feel most comfortable (I would recommend the first two if you would like more of a taster session, the third if you just have some questions to find if it could work for you)
VALUE: £40, January COST: £0
NIBBLER: 3 session package with 10% off - for returning students wanting a refresh or new students ready to dive in a little more to this experiential learning.
(1 x 75 minute deep dive first session, two follow up 60 minute sessions)
Other packages are available to my students who wish to dive a little deeper with an Introductory package, a Foundation course 3 month immersive etc. Book with me to find out more.
There are limited slots available this January, so book now to invest in yourself and avoid disappointment.
I hope to see you in Shine Holistic (or online!) very soon. If you are intrigued and on the fence - now is your time to jump in (or dip your toe!) and give it a go. This could be the start of an enlivening adventure!
Sarah Warman